Monday, August 01, 2005

My next house?

I just saw a news story about architectually designed shipping container homes.

I looked around and it didn't feel like April 1, so I did some research. Lo and behold, there are many articles on the subject of solving the housing - space crisis by investing in container homes.

This mob makes and ships them and there are many, many, many models. Even a camping unit!


Melba said...

i saw this too in the paper today. it caught my eye and i thought... hmmm. but i think you'd have to go in one to feel how it felt. you know, roof might be too low, walls too narrow.

off to uni library now

have a good day

Aleks - Anarcho-Syndicalist said...

While at Uni I used to work as a storeman. Sometimes we had work in shipping containers. During summer they were like ovens. They let the heat in, but didn't let the heat out. Definately not something I would recommend.

Pirate Princess said...

ACK! Definitly proves that they don't educate architects like they used to!

Melba said...

surely they'd have some insulation? otherwise they would get very hot/cold

Melba said...

cape man you have been tagged. i don't know how to link within comments, but go to my blog to see what to do

PiesFan90 said...

Dude, that Angel chick must have a little fantasy thing going for caped crusaders.
I'd get one of those triple deckers jobs with a porch, paint it black and white and put in a bit of air-con to keep it cool. Problem solved.

Cape Man said...

Thanks MG. I should've run round the shelter sheds, pushed Clokeeey out of the way, knocked over Kim and Mitch who were practicing there kissing techniques and jumped up behing ol' Mrs Watson.

Aleks - Anarcho-Syndicalist said...

Clokeeeey, air-conditioning is really bad for the environment. Homes should be built to be as environmentally friendly as possible, and as such I don't think shipping containers should be used to build homes, unless, as melbournegirl pointed out, it could be insulated real well.

Melba said...

yeah i agree aleks. don't like air conditioning that much anyway, makes me sick. likewise the overheated environment.

just wack some egg cartons up on the ceiling and some hay bales to line the walls

and that would look BEAUTIFUL!!